Mandoguy wrote:
As far as using the heater it would probably only be around 45 outdoors at the coldest and would like to keep inside at least at 55. I haven't done this before so that's what I'm trying to figure out. I would guess it would run no more than 3-4 hours.
Time2, I like your style. However doing hydrometer tests are a real pain on this unit as the batteries are in a tight lower compartment.
I installed a volt meter connected to the main lugs of the elecrical panel. Cheap meter but it matches my multimeter and solar controller.
If your furnace and RV are anything at all like mine, you'll be running far less than a 50% duty cycle on the furnace to keep a ten or fifteen degree difference between outside and inside...assuming you don't leave a window wide open or something like that. If you did have a 50% duty cycle there, you would be unable to maintain 55 degrees with anything lower than about 35 degrees or so outside.
I would guess maybe a 10% to 20% duty cycle...though of course there are many, many variables.