Female felines before tossing a litter can be hunters without parallel. The trick of course is finding one. I had WW III one night in my kitchen between a bobtail "manx"? And a pound and a half rat (the norm down here). Nose to tip of tail 13" and they eat tomato.
Crash went the coffee grinder and coffeemaker. Pots and frying pans fell from the wall (not in the rig). Cat hisses, rat hisses and bodies tumbling. I was a little antsy so I put on my boots. The cat had the rat by the neck but the rat was struggling so hard it shook the cat. I opened the kitchen door and the cat with rat shot out into the night.
That occurred early on. I rat proofed the kitchen and when the 8 foot long Mexican whip snake took up residence on the roof all rodents fled.