campermama wrote:
Thought the controller controls this? How do I stop the discharging?
Controller controls the charging - not the discharging. To stop discharging, you need to shut down all the loads after sunset, including LP fridge, detectors, radio clock on standby, and not run any lights and pumps after sunset. Even then there will be a self-discharge overnight, but it is not significant if battery is in a good shape. The red light still might go on, and - I assume - it means that battery is not 100% full by the morning.
I doubt that 50W solar can fully charge the battery when you use it at the same time. Green light can not be trusted in this case.
100% full battery disconnected from the loads and rested 24 hours should read 12.7V. A little less when under load. In the process of charging the numbers are different.