Well, I finally got to the RV today (painting my house). Anyhow, as you will recall I was concerned that my 130 amp charger wasn't providing the necessary amperage to my two 8Ds. My Trimetric indicated it was only hitting them with 50 amps or so even when the batts were 30% discharged.
Anyhow, I ran the microwave and other stuff today with the inverter and reduced the batts state of charge to 89%. Then I plugged in. The Trimetric showed 50+ amps. Then I put an ammeter on the charger and noted over 100 amps. Same at the batteries. So... it looks like my whole problem is with my meter. Have to do more checking now. I'm pretty certain I have it all wired correctly but you know how that goes. It will probably end up to be user error. I'll post when I have the solution.