Forum Discussion

shelby17's avatar
May 12, 2016

Champion 2000 Watt Inverters

After looking at Hondas Yamahas, etc, I ended up buying 2 Champions with the Parellel Kit. Opened them both up and put in .4 litres of 10/30 oil in it and it left oil all over the place.Cleaned up mess and it left another the next day. The other Generator was fine. Any body else had these start up problems with these?
  • I bought a Champion from Costco added the oil and gas but the next day the gas was all over the garage floor, I called to get it fixed under warranty and got it back a month latter. It still leaked so I returned it to Costco.

    You really don't need two generators and in the long run you will be far ahead with a Honda.
  • I bought mine 4 years ago at Costco and upon opening the box found the engine shroud damaged. I exchanged it for another one and haven't had a problem since.