Dusty R wrote:
I once read that Michigan is the 47th in the 48 Continnetnal States of available Sunshine. So how long does it take to pay for a Solar set up here in Michigan? Is there any info posted on all areas on of how long it takes for Solar Panels pay for themselves?
I'm sure there is less sun in Nunavut than where you live
I'd consider poly rather than mono.
This may help:
https://sunvalue.com/program/?headline=Solar%20Panel%20Payback%20Calculator&id=2&s=GS&s1=19508613490&s2=143682520254&s3=644190977165&s4=solar%20panel%20payback%20calculator&s5=c&r=6346f6ded6e7c&gclid=CjwKCAiA8OmdBhAgEiwAShr40xlJFwD-uZoXDzRZzDbJzrWlyRZK8hF5CGKomIpy_zMN7dZgq-7tshoCMvIQAvD_BwEHow long does it take to earn back your initial investment in solar panels? A solar payback period is the amount of time it takes for property owners who install solar panels to recover their initial investment through electricity savings. In Michigan, the average solar payback period is 11.85 years.