Forum Discussion

May 01, 2020

Chinese Versus TAIWAN Hand Tools

I have used both and in my opinion the comparison is night and day.

Some stores like Auto Zone carry TAIWAN mechanic's tools

And then there is MEANWELL power supplies versus mainland garbage

Yes I am angry

My hand is bandaged

A mainland ratchet stripped it's brand new teeth and my hand gashed across a 4" hole saw. The ratchet was brand new.

I am going to STRIP every Mainland China hand tool and into the garbage it goes. Don't get smartass about branded tools. I am talking about Made In China unbranded hand tools
    Fj12 Ryder

    I have seen 1/4" x 20 bolts for tubular exhaust headers with 5/16" hex heads. 8mm wrench can be substituted. Can this possibly be the answer?
    Aha, it certainly could be.
  • At least my hand did not get infected. I am terrified to go near a doctor's waiting room down here in México. Not the country or the wonderful people. There are no tests no respirators no beds and only about 10% of needed nurses. The avenidas are crowded with ambulances.

    I learned my lesson I think. Be more careful around stuff that can bite.
  • Mex, if it is any comfort, the same issues are facing us in the USA. The hospitals are dangerous for everyone. So I have been extra, extra careful in my shop -- I don't want to go to the emergency room for stitches!!

    Yes, there is probably better care here -- plenty of ventilators, at least for the moment. But nobody wants to end up on a ventilator, even in the most well equipped facility.
  • Wanna hoot? I no sooner wrote about my hand than I boiled my knee in the kitchen. The stove is made down here and has grille work atop the burners that gets very narrow front to rear. I have been threatening to remove the grills and have arc shaped extensions welded on the grille. The pot did a full gainer to the front on the way down. Lucky me. It was not very much water. Jeezo I have got to be more careful. I've got the weak excuse that no stovetop grille like that exists on the states. Th company would have been sued until their ears popped. It came with the rental.
  • noteven wrote:
    ... from the instructions: Never completely apply twisting force to Happy Ratchet in circumference of recently sharpened Glorious Sunshine saw.


    That made my day!