Forum Discussion

RVhiker's avatar
Dec 17, 2019

Coleman Mach Condensate Drain

I had to unstop the condensate drains recently when camped. There are two drains in a small plastic tray under the evaporator, one at each end. The drains are in a plastic fitting, one at each end of the plastic tray. Does anyone know if the drains holes go straight through the fitting and drain out the bottom of the fitting, or is there a hole into the top of the fitting that turns 90 degrees and drains out the side of the fitting? The holes of whatever shape are rather small - maybe 1/16 or 1/8 of an inch. Is there any reason not to drill out the holes to maybe 3/16 inch or 1/4 inch?
  • On my RV the drain pan has holes on the sides - don't see any downside in making the drain holes larger or adding more of them ... it's' just a drain.
  • Steele Rubber Products, Denver. Very good dense AC gaskets in my opinion. Dave
  • Thanks for replying, Doug. What you explained makes sense. A general cleaning of my air conditioner and foam gasket replacement is on my schedule.

    Are all the available A/C gaskets the same, or is there one brand or type preferred?
  • They drain out the bottom. You need to see how much clearance you have between the BOTTOM of that plastic and to roof of the RV. After a few years, it is not uncommon for the AC mount gasket to partially collapse and it drops the 2 drain holes to close to the roof. This means you need to replace the AC gasket. Also, it is not a good idea to tighten the mount bolts on an older Coleman AC as this is one way the gasket collapses too much and stops the drain. There is NO need to drill out the holes larger as long as the gasket is correct. Larger holes will mean it is easier for insects to get in and build nests. Doug

    PS if your 2011 is still your RV and the AC gasket has not been replaced----REPLACE it.