It is not the voltage as such, but something is wrong. First try it with no solar connected to the house batts.
Is the controller chassis grounded to the RV frame? If so disconnect that. Perhaps there is a polarity problem with how it is all wired and that is what the dash light is not liking. ( WAG) . Anyway the solar and alternator charging should play well together. Something is wrong with your wiring of the solar and the isolator outputs most likely. IMO suspect the solar installation, as the RV will be ok if as built.
IMO don't drive around much like that until it is fixed.
One thing to expect is that on the house batts if solar gives you 10 amps at 14.6 and alternator gives you 10 amps at 13.8 doing it one at a time, you will not get 20 amps with both on. You might get more like 10 from the solar and 5 from the alternator with its lower voltage. but that is not the issue here.