I kept my PWM Solar30 after going MPPT based on Mr Wiz's example to always have a spare controller on hand. Smk reminded us that the PWM controller can indeed do 24v panels IF the batts are also 24v.
I posted my test results using the PWM 24-24-- worked great.
So in an emergency where the MPPT controller has fried/died, you can put the batts in 24v mode, run the panels with the PWM controller and get 12v to the rig somehow.
On that, I have used a spare 12v battery during the day while the bank is in 24v mode getting recharged by solar while disconnected from the rig. Then around supper, I put the bank to 12v for the big draws and recharge the 12v spare with a trickle charger overnight off the inverter. Be easier to tap for 12 out of the 24 during the day and not carry the spare 12, but as PT says, this is not good for the batts in the long run.
For intentional 24v then you need a 24v inverter and a converter for the 12v.