LouLawrence wrote:
Last I looked you cannot use Sea Foam on a diesel engine (and why would you want to?).
I am guessing this is a turbo issue and the OP should be pursuing that avenue. Boost sensor possibly, cracked manifold or something similar.
No, it’s recommended for diesels as well. Although personally I feel it’s better suited for gas engines and there’s better stuff for diesels.
Namely, depending on the engine engine and age of it, a good dose of non-synthetic ATF is about the best injector cleaner you can use on diesel fuel systems.
But if not after witches brew stuff, there’s a cacophony of dedicated diesel fuel system cleaners and conditioners.
Hard for me to say how well they work as I’ve never actually needed them. Save for once on this old 6.5TD I bought. A couple quarts of atf did the trick in it. Only other time I use anything other than fuel is if there’s a chance it could gel. Which is also very infrequent.