Ok there are 4 slide out systems I am know about I suspect you have the last.
1: Hydraulic.. I can help you hands on but not remotely
2: Swinteck, wavy metal bracket on front and back sides (front and back are as you go down the road) and that's all I know about it
3: Accu-Slide. cables (2 front and 2 back) are visible when extended there are 8 cables per slideout
4: power gear (LCI) there is a rack (Long toothed rail) under the slide out.
This rack is driven by a gear (Pinion) which is driven by a round shaft which is driven by a square shaft which is driven by a round shaft on the transmission/motor assembly.. a 1/4" grade 8 bolt or roll pin pins the ends of the square shaft to the round shafts.. That bolt likes to shear and when that happens you can push the slide in and out. but the motor won't power it in.
NOTE: if you get a replacement bolt get one that is long enough that the SMOOTH part of the bolt extends all the way through and then washer it up so a NYLOCK nut can tighten down on it tight.... YOu do not want threads inside the square shart.