Forum Discussion

riven1950's avatar
Jul 25, 2020

Dometic 2662 troubleshoot


We have a 2019 GD 2500 rl.

We have been sitting on the same site in Florida since the 15th. Unit cooling ok, 14F / 38F +/-. I keep a thermometer in both to keep a check. Set on AC power and until this morning was next to highest setting, # 5 I think. Anyway this morning it was a little warmer 22F / 40F

I bumped it up to the highest setting to see what happens.

In the meantime I am looking at my manual on installation. Our is in a slide. Took pics. It appears to have baffles ( I think ) but the instructions say it should have a fan. I find no fan, but don't know where to look for one either.

Any suggestions? I guess if it continues to cool poorly I will switch to propane and try that, although we have to leave the camper here for a week end of next week and I really don't trust it on propane. Sometimes it wants to cut off on propane after a while, sometime it will run for days...go figure

Will try pictures. The 1st three are taken through the bottom vent. Last two from top.
