Blockage in a cooling unit is caused by overheating of the ammonia solution.
Overheating is caused by disruption of the gravity flow
When the solution is overheated the rust inhibitor (sodium chromate) crystallizes
When it crystallizes it plates out on the inside of tubes
When it plates out it disrupts the gravity flow which creates more overheating/more plating/more is accumulative 7 permanent
All the flipping/rolling/burping will NOT change that.
It may dislodge some of the blockage and allow some flow which could increase cooling BUT the blockage just ends up somewhere else.
The crystallized sodium chromate will NOT go back into solution
First thing to try.......
Turn fridge off for 24 hours.
Make sure it is level
Unplug thermistor leads in circuit board (Upper left corner P2)
Then start up fridge set to max cool and let it run overnight (thermistor unplugged causes fridge to run continuously....max cooling possible)
If fridge doesn't cool down......cooling unit is bad
If fridge cools down....replace thermistor