Your roof is 12 years old. IF it is just the front 3 or 4 feet bubbling, What I would do on a 12 year old RV, is (we have done this for cost conscious customers), We take the front cap/metal side to side flat trim off. Go back to the area where the last of the glue is loose. Cut off the bad 4 or 5 feet of rubber. Then install new epdm adhesive and glue a new section of epdm on the bare wood. Make sure the front goes UNDER the front cap or metal roll at least 4 inches. Then we overlap at least 8 inches on top the old epdm where we cut out the bad loose epdm. Once glued, we install a 1.5 inch flat trim(butyl also) over the seam where the new epdm overlaps the old. Then we install a eternabond strip over that new trim. Seal the eternabond edges with a small bead of Dicor. Eternabond the front cap/metal roll and also use a small bead of Dicor on the eternabond edges. What caused your problem is simple. You had a small pin hole size gap in the front area sealant either at the top seam or clearance lights or on the side to top front area and at 60 mph, that was large enough to allow wind to get in and under and pull the epdm loose from the wood. Doug