Hey Mex,
Haven't started playing with solar panels for charging batteries yet except for a small 10WATT model on the dash of my truck...
When I do get started I want to put two 120WATT size on the roof of my POPUP and then get a dual panel portable to either mount on the roof after I raise it or set around the camp site somewhere following the high sun...
I still want to run my 2KW Generator for at least one hour getting past the high current part (55+ AMPs) of charging and when things taper down to the 6-8AMPS for my battery bank then allow this to all get charged during the high sun days using the solar all day long...
Sure glad to see you posting again. Somehow I have been missing you... I am only watching RV NET, JAYCO NET, and POPUP PORTAL NET...
Thought maybe one of those bad storm coming across may have washed you out to sea haha...
Good to see you on...
Roy Ken