If the slides are power gear there are several interlocks and other things that can stop them.. NOTE not all interlocks are present on all systems and then there is the controller....
Ignition interlock, Some want it on. some off
Parking break interlock Some insist on parking brake set
Transmission interlock, only in park
Turn key interlock (mine failed, it's a basic switch)
These can become... iffy
Next is the switch.. Sometimes switches get dirty and won't switch and/or have to be presseed "Just so"
Now the controller
Power gear controllers sense current. If anything causes the current to climb above the set point they shut down.
LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE on a motor causes higher current.
Binding, some obstruction. Higher current.
End of travel.. Well that's a given stalling the motor = Higher current.
I know one would think that as voltage goes down so would current but Motors are variable inductors (Inductance varies with speed) and because of this the slower they go (lower voltage) the higher the current.