DrewE wrote:
cavie wrote:
RLS7201 wrote:
So much bad karma about stab lock receptacles used in MHs.
When installed properly they will maintain a tight connection longer than screw down receptacles. Check any screw down after 6-8 years and they will be loose because of the copper crushing.
The stab locks in my 95 Bounder are all original and do not heat when using the microwave, coffer maker, PD9180 converter, or the 1500 watt heater.
Very interesting. Why do you think The NEC chooses screw down over Stab locks. Enquiring minds want to know.
Enquiring minds would also like to know where the NEC actually made this choice. The self-contained wiring devices (what you're calling "stab locks") are approved and not uncommonly used in mobile homes.
Of course, Federal Pacific Electric Stab-Lok circuit breaker panels are an entirely different thing, and are known to be an unsafe design and very much ought to be replaced if still in use.
I didn't call them Stab-lock. I just quoted what I read. I get yelled at for trying to correct too much electric language. They are known as
Punch Down. A very common thing to see in the telephone industry. I don't know why the NEC allowed them in Mobile Homes. I do know I spent a good part of my career fixing them. Also spent a good time repairing
Quick Stab receptacles in S & B homes.
If people would only plug lamps, radios and clocks into punch down then all would be right with the world. But vacuum cleaners, heaters, electric frying pans, toasters don't play nice with them at all. At least NEC has outlawed Quick Stab on 20 amp circuits in S & B homes do to the larger amp draw and poor connection of the Quick Stab. Modern day Mobile Homes have gotten away from punch down outlets as well.
loose connections cause heat which causes fire. That's just the reality of the world. I have punch down in my RV and live with it. I sure as hell don't condone it. If I have a problem with an outlet I'll deal with it properly at that time.
Since you are aware of the Stab-loc design then you should know Punch Down outlets are just a smaller version of Stab-loc and both have the very same problem. FIRE. It's only a matter of time and somebody dying until the NEC wakes up.