I've NEVER had a household outlet fail in either home or RV nor did my parents. First RV was from 1954. This is anecdotal and not "proof". Total distance for the RV's is pushing 500,000 miles.
Unibox DAMHIK two failures in under six months.
Lantley wrote:
I'm neither an electrician nor an R service tech. The RV outlets have been in service for years and yes a small percentage have had issues. No different than your house outlets they are imperfect as well and a small percentage of those fail as well.
Converting to all house type outlets would not eliminate outlet failures. Outlets fail in stick and brick houses every day.
In the environment that RV are assembled a stab type assembly will be more fool proof in the long run vs. a screw terminal simply because they are easier to assemble and require less effort to make a stable connection.