This is a pic of the data on the battery.
These are change outs from a com system back ups. For the most part they stay charged up the whole time and don't get drained. For my needs they might work out well due to their size configuration. As some of you may recall, I'm toying with the idea of having a separate circuit to run my propane/12v force air heater off. And before you suggest..........I won't run a generator except in a snowed in emergency. Since these would be pretty adaptable to fitting on the rear bumper(with some strengthening)and the heater is back yonder that way, it would make setting up a separate charging and heater circuit pretty easy. There is a master switch available to control the usage/charge delineation. I am thinking this system would stay completely isolated from the existing 6v X 2 system that powers the rest of the trailer except when traveling. I think the only real concern would be when I am buzzing down the road charging both sets of batteries off the tow vehicle. My thought is that as you're driving/charging, the weaker set of batteries wouldn't suck new life off the newer stronger batteries..........but I don't know that for sure though. My brother has been using these batteries solely on is vintage Ideal trailer for several years with great success. Though I must say he doesn't have to concern himself with a blower on his furnace as he had a non-force air Hydro-Flame furnace.