Clearly you MIS-READ my message.. there is a period at the end of "cable/circuit"
the 7000 watt is my generac..
so I have NO IDEA what you are talking about.
MrWizard wrote:
where in the 'H***' did you get that idea
the Honda UI/inverter models only put out 120v
parallel increase the watts, DOES NOT CHANGE THE VOLTS
no Honda std synchronous (non inverter) generator that has 240v option can be paralleled
when you parallel Honda UI gensets, you increase the amps, never the volts
to increase volts the generators would have to be 'IN SERIES' LIKE TWO 6V BATTERIES equal 12v
i don't remember reading about any 240v parallel option with honda generators
Chuck_thehammer wrote:
I see Honda has a setup to connect 2 generators together using a parallel cable/circuit.
7000 watts at 240 volts OR 3500 and 3500 at 120 volts.
so it is not possible to get 7000 watts at 120 volts..
but 7000 watts at 240 volts.
So I can NOT use this generator to power my TT as I can only use one side...
as posted at the top my TT has a 3 prong 120 volt @ 30 amps.
Thank You for your help.