Bobbo wrote:
down home wrote:
If the GFI has a little led on it and it is flashing then it needs resetting, if it is flashing and warm there is a possible problem needing investigating. If no light there is no power to the break and thus the other plug ins.
That is dependent on the maker of the GFI outlet.
I have a GFI outlet that has a light on when it is functional.
My sister has a GFI outlet that has a light that comes on then the GFI trips. (That caused me grief while installing it. I couldn't understand why I wasn't getting power from the outlet since the light was on. I finally broke down and RTFM.)
I have never seen a GFI outlet that has a light that flashes, though I don't doubt it exists.
The one on rear porch is flashing and warm. I've got to get someone that is able to get don on their stomach and replace it and see if it still trips. I don't know the brand.
It controls the other five plug ins along the rear porch.
Fortunately all the GFIs are labeled in the breaker box.
I hope some squirrel hasn't shorted things out as it would be a tough job to get to the wiring.