shastagary wrote:
parts list for Predator 3500
predator 3500 parts list
Just because HF "lists" parts in the manual, does not mean that HF stocks and sells the parts. Parts are not their main business and may or more often may not be available from HF.
To make that even worse, once that model has been discontinued, all references to that model are completely removed from HF's memory.
However, that does not mean you are 100% out of luck, HF gens are copies of Honda engines, Honda or Honda CLONE parts can often be substituted with a 100% success rate. Basically you just need to know the CC size of the engine and match that to equivalent Honda or after market Honda clone engine size in CC..
Where you might run into a problem is gen and inverter parts, with that you might need to match those to equivalent wattage clone gens..
But as for reliability for HF gens, I have a non inverter 8000W HF gen and so far has been dead on reliable for many yrs.. Also have a smaller 4000W non HF generic Honda clone gen and outside of the normal Honda carb jets clogging has been trouble free..
The Honda Clones also use the same Honda carb design, it is the Achilles heal of Hondas. That carb design has a emulsion tube with many little pin holes, they clog shut even if you drain the carb between uses..
I just revived a smaller 2KW Honda clone gen that a neighbor tossed in the trash.. Carb was clogged from rust from the tank.. Good carb cleaning and substituted a temp tank and gen runs and creates power.. That gen predates my 4KW honda clone gen by many yrs and my 4KW gen is at least 20 yrs old..