time2roll wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
You are comparing Apples and Oranges. RV furnaces really have no similar requirements. The Combustion air intake and exhaust is completely handled by the outside vent/s. The Interior air is just recycled air that flows over the burner chamber. Now RV OVENS and Ranges do have interior fresh air requirements. They are exhausted INSIDE the RV. Doug
OK go ahead and undersize the required ducting and see how that works for you.
Actually undersized ducting and reduced airflow is a fairly common problem in RVs due to barely meeting the minimum requirements. They run up against the high limit safety switch to cycle the heat. I believe you are well aware of this. I don't want this in my furnace or my dryer.
Apples and Oranges... Both are mostly round, both are fruit, both grow on a tree, both are sweet, both are often of similar size. ;)
This thread is about VENTING and Fresh air. NOT about correct install of the furnace ducting. AND, undersize ducting for a furnace is NOT a common problem. Doug