I do the same thing with my 2KW Honda that is secured in the back of my covered and locked truck bed... It is easy to pull the generator out onto the dropped tailgate and have a HD Yellow Extendion Cord available at my garage door

Roy's image
I have a couple of extension cords branched off the main feed that has multi-heads on them. Have one at the home entertainment area , one in the kitchen.
My Radio Room/Computer area already has a pretty good battery backup UPS unit going so it can last a pretty long time if I conserve things...
Having the 2KW Generator always available and ready to go from the back of my truck is a blessing for sure...
A couple of times we have had a week long power outage and my neighbor and I would haul a 2KW generator around the neighborhood in a yard wagon to run their fridge for an hour or so … Usually get a cup of coffee and visit while this is on-going...
My patio is open house during power outages haha...
Gots TV going and always a fire....
The first time I did this I finally ran out of gasoline in the generator and didn't have any gas on hand at the house... So went down to the gas stations here only to find all of them didn/t have any power as well to run their pumps... I finally found a station with backup power haha... It's all in the planning for sure...
Roy Ken