3oaks wrote:
If not maybe Honda changed the design to allow air in while the gas is being consumed without flipping the little lever. :@
Original EU2000i models, up through about 2010, used a loose (not tethered) fuel cap with a flip-lever to open/close the vent. It tightens like any other small gas engine cap, just twist it until snug.
Later/current production uses a larger, fatter cap (it has a charcoal donut inside to help capture evaporative emissions). This cap also has the flip-lever for venting, and is tethered to the filler neck. The new-style cap also has a positive, ratcheting "click" design, which tells the operator the cap is properly tightened.
The original small cap should not rattle at all when tight. The newer cap does have a tiny bit of 'slop' due to the ratchet design. However, it is not enough to cause any noise. If there is an actual rattle from the cap, and it's been tightened enough to make the proper 'click' sound, there may be an issue with the cap or filler neck.
Honda's warranty covers defective parts, and a dealer can inspect and tell you if the cap is indeed defective.
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I work for Honda, but the preceding is my opinion alone.Robert@Honda