Chinolbz wrote:
Much more difficult to walk off with a 3000 or larger generator. Many thieves use your genset to power up their sawzall with a metal cutting blade. Chino
I've heard of them using bolt cutters to cut chains, cables, or even the handle on the generator, but I haven't heard that one.
Seems to me that thieves by and large wish to avoid detection/confrontation, and gnawing away at the generator with a loud sawzall or angle grinder would certainly attract some unwanted attention. Just because you're not visible doesn't mean you're not sleeping inside the camper, or just out of sight in the bushes, or about to reenter the campsite at any moment. If your generator is secured at all that will stop the vast majority of thieves.
There are certainly determined thieves that would have no issues taking you on if confronted, but they are in the minority. In those cases it may be better from a personal safety standpoint to let them take the generator rather than get hurt or killed over it.