I do understand what you're saying. We just spent two months with a 75ah battery. Overnight it would drop to 2/3 (again, using the RV idiot meter) and be recharged the next driving. We stayed three days in one spot and on the third night the battery quit. Wasn't thinking. That's the only gauge for actual usage I currently have.
It seems that 480ah is the most I can squeeze into the available space. If I could put 600 in, I would. Now I'm trying to get the best charging available for that 480 ah bank I can, using a limited amount of available roof space.
We will modify our electrical usage according to what we have available. Yes, we camp in an RV pretty close to what we did all those decades in a tent. Electricity is a convenience, not a necessity. We cook over the fire whenever possible. Hot water from the fire can go into the coffe press for coffee or into the vacuum jug for hot oatmeal the next morning. Yes, if we happen to have shore power, the microwave is great lol. If DWs allergies act up, we'll go to a private CG (ugh) and hook into shore power, if needed.
And if I use 100ah a day, then I only have two days of battery power to use, unless I can recharge that amount on a daily basis - which I doubt lol. Then we pull out the Coleman lantern an Mr Buddy space heater (if necessary and long johns, quilts and socks dont hack it).
So yes, I understand what you're telling me. 120ah, 200 ah, 480 ah, 0 ah- we're going out to remote spots and camping. If we got it we'll use, if we don't, we won't. Please take no offense, but our RV lifestyle may not be the same as yours. We use the camper to sleep in, not live in.
So rather than attempt to calculate our usage, I bought a monitor to SHOW me our usage. But our usage will not change how much AH we install. We want to install the max reasonably possible.
But I think I'm being redundant now...
I appreciate your time and information. I am just learning. I'm merely taking a different approach, as with finances, to live within (or better yet) beneath your means lol. If necessary.