Hi seraphim,
You asked what I would do. If I take you at your word that no large inverter use is in your future, and that you have led lighting, I'd go with about 300 watts of solar with the 480 amp-hour bank. I'd do a flat fixed install.
I'd look at my budget and if there was enough funds I'd buy a Rogue controller. If there was not then I'd get the Morningstar NON mppt controller with a temperature probe.
But, I am not you. I'm considering adding "wings" so I can double or perhaps triple the solar I do have. I have enough for my original "tasking", but I'm very nearly full time now and it was 34C (94 F) on Monday. That means running a generator or finding some shore power.
If I add the wings I may be able to run the air conditioner from the panels.