fj12ryder wrote:
Likes to tow wrote:
Are you guys kidding me???? Is this post real???? For those who used several tubes to grease your bearings on an EZ Lube system I know where your grease went!!
Pull the brake drums and look at your brake shoes. EZ Lube axles were primarily designed for boat trailers that get submerged in water. The RV industry picked up on this "easy care-free" idea as a marketing tool. You guys are in serious trouble when you need your brakes!!!!!
Yeah, I just pulled my wheels/hubs and they were fine. Do you actually have the EZ Lube system? Or are you just parroting what you've heard?
When I bought my trailer from a dealer it was one year old. I noticed the brakes did not seem to work. After getting it home I pulled the drums and the brake clusters were totally saturated with grease. I called the previous owner whom I had talked to earlier about his experiences with the trailer. He told me he always put grease in the ez lube zert each time he went on a long trip...probably 5 times in a a year of ownership. I used lacquer thinner and brake cleaner aerosal cans to remove what I could not wash out with a brush and gasoline. I
have EZ lube hubs on my tandem axle boat trailer and they seem to work good but these are disc brakes on the boat and I can see that grease would not accumulate on the pads like it would in a drum brake system.