Ductape wrote:
Meanwhile in the real world...
Tesla is not alone
Oops another foolish company
A rather routine manufacturer’s advance contingency - sage preparation for another potential profit center to cash in on (the green but not-so-green elightenment movement).....
But this does not make a comprehensie case for EV’s, nor is it Benz’s obligation to do so....
Problem is that actual science (empiricism) has been displaced by a disturbing form of ‘populist scientism’ and this is currently the source of the nonsensical inertia behind the EV movement.....
No one even bothers to ask even the most rudimentary of questions as the art of inquiry has been celebrated as something passe’ ....“Please check your thinking at the Door”!!
The capability of the grid is casually overlooked as something “not of my concern”, but beyond that, nobody even attempts to pencil out an example that (in terms of net pollution) a EV pollutes less than a modern gasoline vehicle which emits mostly (except during extremes) CO2 and water vapor ....Ever wonder why?? (a glaring omission, eh - lol !!)...
Fact is, the modern I/C engine is very nearly a zero pollution vehicle, yet the P.T. Barnum’s of the popularist movement continues to (successfully so!!) ‘preach’ the green religion that carbon dixoide is a pollutant when in fact it is a fertilizer for plants and rain forest, without which we’d ourselves suffocate due to a lack of replenished oxygen....Science (Follow the Grant money...) has been outsourced to parrots owned by P.T. Barnum...
Grid issues and net CO2 emissions aside, has anybody made a rational case that EV’s are a more practical or far better choice than to simply convert our existing fleet of vehicles to a plentiful, clean burning natural gas??..... Ever wonder why??...(again, Crickets....).
I don’t fault Musk or Mercedes, or anybody else who enters ‘the game’ , but this ‘assumed’ mass-Pollyannish push behind whats an ‘Enquiry free’ movement is driven more by a Unicorn ideology than real empirical science....Just another sign of our ‘very confused’ (at every institutional level.....) times.....
Not meant to be condensending, but I seriously doubt that some will ever ponder these issues...
3 tons