Whether using electric or propane that water heater needs 12V DC to properly function
Electric & propane both use the circuit board.
12V DC comes from ON/OFF switch to circuit board via WHITE (electric) or ORANGE (propane) wires
Then 12VDC goes from circuit board to T-stat via BROWN wire (top connector) then thru t-stat and thermal fuse (clear tubing) and back to circuit board via BROWN wire (bottom connector)
12V DC then comes from circuit board to ECO via RED wire then to gas valve solenoids and to ground via Black wires
When using electric the 12V DC voltage is just milivolt signal to ECO & gas solenoids
12V DC triggers a relay at electric element to allow 120V AC to element
ANY disruption of 12V DC from on/off switch to ground at gas solenoids will shutdown operation OR not allow any operation.
When using propane you should get a spark at burner almost immediately when you turn switch ON (provided water is cool enough <110*F)
Then you should have 12V DC on gas solenoids for 6-8 seconds while spark is going on.
Check terminals/contacts at ECO.....loose/dirty/corroded NO DC current.
Doesn't take much to disrupt 12V DC
If no sparking then problem is in circuit path from/to circuit board on BROWN wire (for non working electric and/or propane)
Pull connectors on circuit board..check pins (not bent etc) and clean contact surface on board with an eraser
Pull spade and pin connectors on t-stat and ECO....make sure they are clean and tight
Check t-stat and ECO making good tight connection with tank wall
Pull spade connectors on gas solenoids ...make sure clean/tight
Does T&P Relief Valve drip......dripping can cause issues with connections on T-stat/ECO
When you get it to heat water.......that mixing valve on backside can be an issue also.
Hot water out form water heater can get clogged with scale/crud and then only warm/cold water will flow
XT Model Manual Wiring diagram