Forum Discussion

daireemt's avatar
Jun 28, 2017

Intermittent water leak??

We have a thetford Aqua Magic V toilet in a Jayco 5th wheel; (2007). From time to time we have a clean water leak into the basement compartment below the toilet....never wet on the bathroom floor...just drips from around the clean water supply line where it goes up into the bathroom. So you'd think the leak is under bathroom floor, right? What's weird is, it doesn't do it all the time. Some days it remains dry, other camping trips it can leak a little or occasionally leak a bit more. Then, might go 3 or 4 trips with nary a drop. Any body care to guess why it leaks only sporadically? Seems like a leak would always leak, yes? Before I pull the stool up to see what's going on I thought I'd see if anyone's ever heard of this odd one??
We camp with and w/o hookups, depending on circumstances. We always use a water regulator at campgrounds.... just can't identify a pattern on why it leaks or doesn't.

Thanks in advance
  • Really appreciate the replies and thoughts. I'll be contacting Thetford in the morning and see what they can do for me. Thanks to all for steering me in the proper directions.
  • daireemt wrote:
    Thanks for the responses. We did use some paper towels to determine where it's leaking, basically between bathroom floor and basement ceiling. None of the exposed piping is leaking. Wondered what else could do it.
    Chris, I don't have much experience with the vacuum breaker---is that a correctable flaw or just a fact of life? Certainly explains why it does it only occasionally. Appreciate your insights.


    The vacuum breaker problem is a known issue, per this post from 2010. It is an easily replaced part. Call Thetford, they may be willing to send a new one free of charge.
  • I would just tighten the connections rather than try to figure out exactly which one is leaking. At this point you want to head off damage.
  • Thanks for the responses. We did use some paper towels to determine where it's leaking, basically between bathroom floor and basement ceiling. None of the exposed piping is leaking. Wondered what else could do it.
    Chris, I don't have much experience with the vacuum breaker---is that a correctable flaw or just a fact of life? Certainly explains why it does it only occasionally. Appreciate your insights.

  • That's not that uncommon- the valve ("water module") has a vacuum breaker in it- basically, the top is open with a plunger to seal it. When you flush, if the water pressure is too low, the plunger won't seal well, and a small amount of water will leak out- usually flowing down the pipe.
  • Check the toilet water inlet supply fitting...
    Wrap a strip of newspaper or TP around fitting and check....if it leaks it will show up

    Or if a 90* elbow is used to go from basement ceiling thru floor up to toilet could be leaking crimp on the PEX at elbow