Forum Discussion

USMC46's avatar
Aug 04, 2014

Jeep Libery 4WD Shifter Issue-Help

I am towing a 2006 Jeep Liberty behind a motorhome. Tonight when I was hooking up, the shifter that engages the 4WD became very loose and would not shift. I crawled underneath and felt above the differential. The cable has come off the differential. It feels like a Cir Clip has fallen off. I was able to get it to neutral so I can tow it until I can get to a Jeep dealer for the right clip to keep the cable attached. My question is this. Is it safe to tow now that it is in the correct place (neutral)? Or can the differential (4WD) shift into another position if the cable comes off going down the road ? It seems to me like it would be OK to tow, but if the cable comes of again, can it shift by itself (road bounce for instance) when it is not connected to the shift lever in the drivers compartment ? Normal towing configuration is: 4WD in neutral, Transmission shifter in Park, key turned to one click before dashboard lights come on (freeing the steering wheel). Need to get on the road early in the A.M. No Jeep dealer where I am, and no auto parts store close.
  • Yes, I guess "transfer case" is what I should have said. Thanks.
  • First off it's come off of the transfer case not the differential. If the transfer case is in neutral it's safe to tow.