When the frequencies changed a few years back my 2008 BATWING without DIPOLES was not doing too well picking up the channels...
I experimented with the JACK antenna first and it really picked up the new channels just fine. Indeed added a bunch of channels to watch high def TV stations.
Then I added the newer BATWING ANTENNA with the DIPOLES and it also performed great picking up the new HDTV stations being transmitted in the UHF bands.
I decided to stay with the BATMAN with DIPOLES as in my case where I was testing to see which antenna to use the BATWING worked out the best as I did not have to be so precise in moving the antenna to be exactly pointing to the transmitting TV station. Here is King George Virginia the Washington DC TV stations are some 60 miles away from me. These stations are on both sides of Washington DC. Using the JACK ANTENNA I had to move the antenna to pick the East side of DC and then move again to pick up the West side TV stations. I was able to get all of the High Def TV stations just fine. Switching to the BATWING I can find a position where I get all of the same HDTV station without have to make slighty different Antenna repostions. I get all the same high def TV stations from Washington DC with one pointing position using the BATWING Antenna with DIPOLES..
I suspect the JACK Antenna is slightly better in performance but have to keep moving the antenna to pick up the station was a pain in the neck for me haha...
This is my HDTV setup for my OFF-ROAD POPUP Trailer using an outside TV pole setup with the BATWING with DIPOLES mounted on the top... We get great HDTV TV Stations where we go camping.
Roy's image
I also experimented with the dual BOW TIE antenna array and this outperformed both the BATWING and the JACK antenna. But I am sure this antenna life expectancy would be very short having to take it up and down alot and packing up for transport in my case...
Google image...
This antenna array with an added PREAMPLIFIER at the base of the antenna is what I use now here at my house for ANTENNA TV reception. I can move the two bays like shown and makes it broad beamed enough to pick the spread of transmitting antennas in the Washington DC locations. Great reception here at the house for ANTENNA TV...
Roy Ken