pianotuna wrote:
You can keep the wire the same size if you go up in voltage. I'd suggest using an 100 amp controller for 1300 watts of solar, so it won't be working "full tilt" all the time (unless the battery bank is 24 volts, too). I find electronic devices tend to last longer when they are not "pushed to the edge" of their capacity.
I generally like the Victron products, but have heard rumors that they are not quite as responsive to questions as they once were.
ya I was looking at the wire capacity charts, my 180 watt/12v pannels are actualy capable of putting out 3 amps more than 325 watt / 24V pannels so the individual runs I could leave in place and if I only went to 3 new pannels the main wire would hold the exact same current so I can leave that. upgrade to a 60 amp controler (it would be 40 currents in so 60 would give me some leway) if I go 4 pannels than I would have about 55 amps comeing in so depending what size cable they used fot the main run it may be good or not. also would have to check the battery chaerge cables and upgrde thoes but that part is easy.
I will probably take some heat here ;) but I dont like victron, I think they are way over priced and you are paying for the name. years ago they were the best but with the emergance of renogy and a couple others I dont think they are nessasary anymore. at that price anyways ..... I used canadian solar pannels and renogy controler to build my system in the camper and I am nothing but happy with it. my 5th wheel has a go power system I had them put in when I bought it. they used to be quality but there is speculation about them now since they sold to a US company and thans only a PWM set up so I was going to do some changes anyways.