time2roll wrote:
Yes or no
Do the advertised amp hour claims for these batteries include or exclude mo-Touchee amp hours?
The rating is the energy that you can actually pull from the battery.
This is the same as people go round and round about propane cylinders and the 80% fill cut-off.
Now having said that, there are sellers in CN selling batteries that do not produce the rated power. Best to buy from a reputable and verified supplier.
Last go-round on all this, it came out that "energy" and "power" wording had to watched like a hawk. eg, when you get down to 50% AH you are more than half way down in energy remaining.
There was some jiggery-pokery about how they get the AH rating. Instead of using a 5a draw for 20 hrs to get 100AH, some said they draw 100a for 1 hr and then do some kind of fudging between watt hr and AH curves to get a range.
Some said 120 vs 100 depended on the type of cell where prismatic cells needed the cushion at the low SOC.
Most said they didn't care about the exact amounts for how they camp and they get what they want from their LFPs using ball park figures--common sense!
Mex will get a bad headache if he wants to "go there" . Lie down till the urge to figure out LFPs goes away!