Sounds reasonable, having to bottom the adjusting screw seemed like a bad sign to me as well. I should receive the 253H regulator in a few days.
Like I mentioned, the regulator on the camper now is a Marshall 250, but I went searching through all the paperwork I have for this 2001 Lance truck camper, and it looks like the original regulator was a Marshall 254. We’ve owned this camper for over 15 years, and I seem to recall replacing the regulator several years ago while on a trip. Probably just bought what was available at the time, and since we rarely ever use the generator, or multiple LP appliances simultaneously, we never had a problem with lack of LP capacity.
The 254 regulator appears to have a capacity of 210,000 btu/hr, which is very close to the 253H.
Since I now have a manometer, I’ll check the pressure after installing the new regulator, but as was mentioned it should be adjusted correctly already.
Thanks for all the help.