Ok thanks so far, we had a issue with the 240V side when first connecting to pedestal in Australia It tripped the pedestal breaker, electrician sorted this out but as no power was passed true we thought that something may had shorted out in inverter, the ME-RC display was flashing about 2 times per second when turning the charger on nothing in trouble shutting about this so contacted Magnum, answered to make sure power at input to Magnum, answered back that we had meshered 120V at in side but nothing on out, was advised to send in for checking out. The inverter part works ok but it will not pass true or charge batteries, the peaple who did the testing hear said it worked when 60HZ was applied but will not work hear on 50HZ. My problem with that is it is in the specifications that it will operate on 50-70 HZ and it was not cheap, now it appears that they have dropped me like a hot potato, I am trying to finde out how to get in contact with higher op the ladder if they will swap it for 240v unit as I will not be bringing in back to USA or if as Mexicowanderer says it can be tricked to work hear. Thanks Frank.