Hmmm, lessee, I ran my (2) 500 amp units for an hour at 32 amperes and the cathode rose to 142F. Free standing copper has a surprising amount of thermal radiation. But yes, a heatsink would be nice. I found a junk finned isolator to be perfect for the job. I pass 100 amperes for hours with such a setup and at the end, the isolator, and the cathode are barely warm. These Schottky units are quite the item.
Brulaz, sir. Make up a bridge bypass AROUND the Schottky unit, with a fifty amp toggle switch.
REMEMBER the rule with rectifier ratings - the ratings are for full amperage conditions at an elevated temperature. A 30-volt rating will survive 30 volts continuously for years if the rectifier P/N junction temperatures are kept mild.
I tested quiescent leakage of my units at forty point zero volts. Nine milliamps at around 26c. This test does not utilize any load. Does not imply the rectifiers will survive at load with 40 volts.
There are 50 volt Schottky plates but forward voltage drop is increased and cost is higher.