Would a gallon per gallon ratio be suitable to store the effluent in a container (like a 55 gallon drum) and use the effluent for dishwashing and bathing? By design I -must- store service waster and it works out well. This doesn't address water heater minieralization but for drinking water it can't be beat.
I think you're talking about a household RO system, but I'll answer this as an RV issue since this is an RV forum.Vagabond makes whole-RV RO systems so that
all the water used in your RV would be treated, not just the drinking water.
However, a couple of issues with a whole-RV RO system:
Time required to fill holding tank: even with a special pump, it could takes hours to fill a typical Class A holding tank.
Waste water: because you're filling the entire water holding tank, RO waste water would end up on the ground since there's no place for it to go.