GordonThree wrote:
What's it matter what's going on inside?
The published charts for state of charge vs terminal voltage are good enough in most cases.
Do a load test, count the number of amps taken out. Subtract from advertised capacity, compare to SoC voltage chart. If it's close you're good. If it's way off, then it's time to worry.
I understand the "be happy, don't worry " approach, but I prefer to be more anal about it all. My choice. Anyway, as far as voltage per SOC, try and figure out what that would be with this set of specs (scroll down and to the right for the graph/table on that.) My AGMs are like that, with a wide bandwidth. After some time with the Trimetric AH counter and voltmeter and several deep cycles, I have a fairly good idea where mine fit in the bandwidth, but they don't make it easy.