They are all good batteries. Just like sons or my granddaughters. If I treated Herme like I treated Dalia at age 7 I would become Josef Stalin II in her eyes.
The Mantra for absorbed glass mat is to avoid unseen and otherwise undetectable Loss Of Capacity. I think of it like washing dishes -- "Well I only used three dishes this week. I really should wash them before next weekend". At least it puts a smile on my face.
Usually I can add an extra burden overnight. Like playing Beethoven or Mozart at barely detectable levels (acts like a tranquilizer) then recharge from a lower initial voltage.
I do this once a week. I can add a fan, or leave a light on for runs to the bano. Whatever it takes. The laptop stays on Tuesday to Wednesday so Norton can houseclean. Coming up with a load is easy.
It's the diehard solar crowd that can have unintentional problems if their max output isn't enough to meet 20% or recharge a battery. Some absolutely refuse to engage in light-load days to allow the battery to recharge on the second day. All I can say is -- argue with the battery. 300 amp hours of AGM diddling up and down can be a real challenge. Where does the sixty amps come from?