If you can reach the full charge ratio on solar then that's optimum.
If it's physically possible get quarter inch plywood then glue aluminum foil to it shiny side up. Futz around with angles. 20 degrees from optimum with the foil panel opposed as an example. Renders a sharp increase in amperage. Wings to either side of the panel is even better.
Solar panels in the vale of snow laden hills can yield an astonishing increase
I have nearly maxed out roof space with a 255w panel in one corner and three 100s in another array in the middle. Two solar controllers in parallel on the battery bank. If there is no sun, it doesn't help to have more solar. Zero times more is still zero.
Actually, in real life for extra time off-grid, I can add two more 100AH batteries. ( I have them on a long term float in the garage in case of need) That extra AH is for sure, and can make all the difference till getting home again.
----So to summarize--that 20% rule still sucks, but a man's got to do what a man's got to do. Just not every time! :)