Yeah I can just imagine me paddling around in Englishman Falls B.C. I took a drink in August and it made my teeth hurt. Solar is excellent for topping off the batteries. Like it or not, that last few few hundredths specific gravity to be gained is a scream and yell session but cannot be constantly ignored. I am going to use the six panels atop Quicksilver to power an inverter, then a transformer and send 600 volts up the hill (330') to be reduced then feed a 600 watt DROK at 20 amperes top-off. Less than 2-hours a day thanks to rain-forest shade, but heck it's better than nothing, right?
Shaded off grid is misery incarnate when sunshine is available 33 meters straight up. But I do not want the dominant sunlight vegetation taking over cleared sunlit patches. It's a sticky vine with hairs that sticks to everything like glue. Will not grow in the shade. Liberal application of crushed oyster shell and rock salt keeps Quicksilver free of this nightmare. Oh yeah I forgot, the local fingernail-length red ants use the sticky vine for an elevated highway. I pay the girls to make careful rings of diatomaceous earth around each nest entrance but the fight is continuous. I don't want the salt to turn the property into Bonneville Flats so I am careful how much I use. Danged hens consume the oyster shell grit.
Life in a rain-forest...