vermilye wrote:
There are (well were) versions of autotransformers used in the theatre industry for dimming lights in the 500 - 5000w load range. They were designed to operate under full load. If you can find one of them the contacts will hold up...
I'm pretty sure you are referring to a "magnetic amplifier" or saturable reactor device, a.k.a. a "mag amp." They were widely used in theatrical lighting for dimming control of high wattage lighting. They do look a lot like transformers and they have a control knob, like a variac, to control output, but they use a very different principle of operation.
A "magnetic amplifier" uses a DC control current fed into control windings to control the AC output. Since the control knob only controls low DC currents, it doesn't suffer from the problems of a Variac, where the control knob is moving a contact handling all the current.
The control current of the mag amp sets where the cores of a pair of AC windings will saturate. The AC winding of a saturated core will go from a high impedance state to a very low impedance state. Basically, the DC control current sets the voltage at which the magnetic amplifier turns on.
A mag amp allows a small DC current to control a large AC current, which is what was needed for stage lighting control. I've never been sure what the output waveform looks like in one of those stage lighting mag amp controls. It might not be suitable for feeding something that needs a sine wave - as a Variac provides.