Forum Discussion

CGW3's avatar
Nov 04, 2016

Need 12v electrical assistance- Fleetwood Travel Trailer

I recently purchased a 2004 Fleetwood Terry 290RLS travel trailer. Everything is in good working order, but I am needed to track down some 12v issues coming from my converter. The first issue is my exterior porch light,and my bathroom light do not work. Tried new bulbs and have no voltage at fixtures. I was cleaning out behind the breaker panel where a rat built himself a neat with some insulation, and discovered 2 wires purple, one white. I traced the purple back to the distribution panel and pulled fuse so that there arent any fire concernsn but im not sure where this one goes to. It could possible be me issue with my exterior and bathroom.lights, but I would like to see a schematic to make sure. Im not sure where the white wire goes to or comes from..possibly backside of fridge..because im having issues there as well. I read in manual that if exterior porch light fails to work, check the GCFI plug and reset in bathroom
..but this plug is 110, correct? How is this tied into a 12 v lamp?

Im basically looking for an electrical schematic for this model or a similar model that would have same setup. Im trying to prevent myself from having to pull fridge out and start following wires..I found a website that offered manuals and diagrams for my trailern and when I emailed themn they told me that fleetwood went into bankruptcy in 2009 so they did not have any diagrams or schematics...not sure how that would prevent the existence of a schematic..but mayne someone here knows where I could download or lookup one.

Thank you in advance
  • if im.a betting person.the white wire is the lights.the purple is the waterheater wire to the switch
  • CGW3 wrote:
    Thanks for the help. I am going to repair the wire, but wanted to find what it was supplying, or multiple items it is supplying, so I could test it on that end as well and make sure i don't have any additional hidden chew marks
    Discovery is the only method. Pull the fuse for that item and discover what else does not have power.

    Otherwise you can buy some equipment that will send a signal down the wire and trace it with the signal detector. Doubt it is that important.
  • Basically, there are very few mfgs. that offer a schematic to end users. Yes, a signal generator is nice to have but you can make a DIY device that will help trace circuits. This device could be a light, a buzzer, or a bell. If you can source a 12V bell or buzzer you can clip that on with two alligator clamps at the end of the DC circuit and then mess with the power source to trace circuits. Also, your distribution panel may be marked with the devices that it powers.

    Inspecting wires at the distribution panel and where Mr Rodent has made his modifications is a "must". It's a shame that the wire mfgs have gone to a soy based wire jacket as rodents love that little treat when nesting or living close to them. I've read of owners that have opened the hood of their truck to find that whole wire assemblies have been chewed to bare wire. It can be a mess.

    Good luck on the 12V repair.
  • Thanks for the help. I am going to repair the wire, but wanted to fnd what it was suppling, or multiple items it is supplingng, so I could test it on that end as well and make sure i dont have any additional hiden chew marks
  • The WHITE is a Ground. The Purple is a 12 volt positive. The GFCI has nothing to do with your 12 volt system. OLD manual and misinformation in that manual. You will never find a wiring schematic. They never had them and even today they rarely have those for any OEM. Doug
  • CGW3,

    I did a lot of boat work before the depression and ran into situations like this a lot. Boats are worse than RVs for this.

    The thing that was most helpful was a circuit tracker. I now have two. One is from a big name company and was expensive and the other is a CCV (Cheap Chinese Version) from Hazard Fright. Both work and I can hook on and pretty well follow a wire to where it might go. When I loose a signal, I start looking for what happened there and most often find it. This is not simple or easy to do, but it can be done.

    For lights, you need to hook onto the hot lead with the light off and try to pick up the signal. The aluminum skin is a pretty good shield so you will probably have to work from the inside.

  • I doubt you will ever find a schematic. If you haven't already done so, why not repair the two "chewed" wires?

    Using your meter (like you are already doing) to trace down problems is the best plan....and - welcome to the Forum.