Community Alumni
Aug 23, 2020I have a Jeep Wrangler with the M&G Engineering brake system, that system has a way to hook up a signal light when the brakes are applied. A safety light for when and if the break away is activated.
The signal light was installed in the Jeep, a good LED light that attached to the visor worked like a champ. When I hit the brakes I could look back, via rear view camera, and see my signal light come on, life was good.
Then one day I was stopped at a stop light in Layton Utah where I and other cars were stopped including the PD Officer that swooped in behind me with lights on, WHAT THE?? Then I saw the smoke coming from the Jeep I did managed to get to the side of the road and after 2 PD officers a Fire Engine and an Ambulance (I guess us old guys have a habit of falling over during extreme stress).
Long story short the Jeep fire went out when I stopped (front Brakes). The break away was pulled when I left Charlies's Service and applied the brakes I was looking forward and in heavy traffic and the lighting was not good for me to see the light in the Jeep. Bottom line the light was not a good way to see when the brakes were applied, you are not looking back all the time.
The fix was to run the light, a bright red LED, to the dash and redo the electric wiring from the MH to the Jeep. Now when the brakes are applied by me or the break away I know it now not in a few minutes when I can look.
The Jeep was still towable with no break away and was repaired, Hubs, brakes and calipers and some related parts, under $1000.00.
The cost to install the signal light was a lot less.
Your call but it is better up front where you can see the light when it comes on.
ps I did not have a heart attack so the ambulance went hone