No offence taken, that made me laugh because you are right, I know just enough to be dangerous. Thank you for taking the time to offer your expert guidance and diagnosis.
Thank you to everyone that responded, I learned a little bit from each post that either will help me now or in the future.
Also, my unit is out of warranty, I did contact Dometic support and they said my unit was not one of the ones in the bad batch a few years ago.
I am very disappointed that Dometic went to China for this AC, I have had two before (Carrier and Dometic) that were still working after 10 and 20 years. The cost of a new unit is about $1200, I don't mind the cost so much, I just did not want to replace it because of some issue I was not aware of and later find out it was a ten dollar fix :B
I wanted to bring closure to this thread as so many OP’s ask for help and then disappear.
Thanks again and happy camping.........
PS: Problem solved in one day, you can't beat that! :B