Motor home existing breaker box.. Install a 30 amp breaker Then...
10 or 8 ga wire (Romex) to inverter's AC-IN connections... then options
1: Inverter has no breakers
Run same size wire back to a spot near/behind the existing breaker box
Move circuits you wish to be INVERTER powered to breakers in the sub panel
job done (in many cases you can use the existing breakers but put spare/dummmy breakers in the vacant slots)
Option 2: Breakers on inverter
15 amp breakers use 14 or 12 ga from the inverter to a Junction box behind or near the existing panel,,, Transfer 1 circuit per breaker to this box
20 amp breakers 12 or 10 ga
NOTE: in all cases the smaller wire (Larger number) meets code but wire makers today... Some of them several forum members think they are short-sizing.. So I gave the larger wire as an option.
With this hook up
Generator will operate the existing ATS and send power TO the inverter which will stand by and pass through
Shore power.. Same as aboe
NO shore/generator the Inverter will take over. But only the lines transfered.
DO NOT transfer your conerter.. Depending on the existing converter you may choose to
1: Disable it
2: Disable the one in the inverter
(NOTE: I have both connected, Use he OEM (I like it better) but if I screw up and pull a plug.. Well I can activate the INERTER's converter at 3am during a downpour rain and not have to get dressed or wet.